Saturday, September 8, 2012

Custard Ice Blocks: A Delicious Childhood Treat!

Growing up in Guyana, a South American country, this was a favorite treat of mine. On hot, sweltering days, my sister and I would run up to our grandmother with the biggest puppy-dog eyes and ask for money to buy custard blocks from the neighbor. Back in the early 70's in Guyana, only a few people had big enough freezers to accommodate items other than the bare necessities. Those who had huge freezers made homemade frozen treats such as custard blocks in order to sell and make a living. The word block came from the way it was frozen in shallow pans and then cut into blocks in order to serve or sell. We would buy one block each. The blocks were the size of an ice cube but it was just enough for us and super delicious. We savored every drop of it, even if it leaked all over our fingers and down to our elbows! Ah, the good old days, how I miss you...

Here is the Recipe:
  1. Two cans evaporated milk  (I used fat free since I don't need the extra fat!)
  2. Three tablespoon of custard powder (Bird's custard powder works really well)
  3. Four to five tablespoons of brown sugar
  4. 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg or powder
  5. 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) 
  6. 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)

I found this Bird's custard powder on amazon. It is thee best for this recipe. You can also find it in the caribbean isle of your supermarket.
Pour 2 cans of low fat evaporated milk in a small deep pot.
Add 3 tablespoons of the custard powder...1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg...4-5 tablespoon brown sugar. Taste the milk and add more or less sugar. This is a desert so it's ok to make it as sweet as you wish. By using fat free evaporated milk, you should feel less guilty :)

This was the first time using these measuring spoons- I think I got them from someone as a wedding favor. Love it...
Whisk all the ingredients together, making sure no clumps are there. Turn on the stove to a low to medium flame. Keep stirring. This takes less than ten minutes to thicken.
Use a spoon to test the thickness, it should coat the spoon as shown below.
Remove from the heat immediately and pour into an ice tray, ice pop trays or tiny bowls...I used my condiment bowls of all sizes-You do not have to fill them up to the top if some bowls are too big.
Place them in the freezer and wait about 5 to 6 hours for them to harden...I can't wait to serve these to the kiddies. It'll be their very first time having this special treat from my childhood days.
Hope you try making this-It is way easier than making homemade ice cream and way lighter in calories and fat. Make these for a party or the holidays. It is different and it's an unexpected delight you will surely enjoy...
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  1. Could you write the names of the ingredients in Spanish? I live in Brazil and for many of the itens i can't figure which product would be the perfect match among the stuff we have in here... Perhaps from spanish it would be an easier translation! It looks delicious anyways!

    1. Hello Lilis, Thanks for the comment.Hope this is correct???

      Dos latas de leche evaporada (yo usé sin grasa ya que no necesitan la grasa extra!)
      Tres cucharadas de polvo de natilla en polvo (Pájaro crema funciona muy bien)
      Cuatro o cinco cucharadas de azúcar morena
      1/4 cucharadita de nuez moscada recién molida o en polvo
      1/4 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla (opcional)
      1/4 cucharadita de canela en polvo (opcional)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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